Assignemnt #39 and Little Quiz


/// Name: David Shkolnikov
/// Period: 6
/// Program Name: Little Quiz
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 10/29/2015

import java.util.Scanner;
public class LittleQuiz
    public static void main( String[] args )
        String intro;
        int answer1, answer2, answer3, total, count;
        count = 0;
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print( "Are you ready for a quiz? " );
        intro =;
        System.out.println( "Okay, here it comes!" );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.println( "Q1) What is the capital of Alaska?" );
        System.out.println( " \t 1) Melbourne" );
        System.out.println( " \t 2) Anchorage" );
        System.out.println( " \t 3) Juneau" );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.print( "> " );
        answer1 = keyboard.nextInt();
        if ( answer1 == 3 )
            System.out.println( "That's right!" );
            System.out.println( "Sorry, the capital of Alaska is Juneau." );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.println( "Q2) Can you store the value \"cat\" in a variable of type int?" );
        System.out.println( "\t 1) yes" );
        System.out.println( "\t 2) no" );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.print( "> " );
        answer2 = keyboard.nextInt();
        if ( answer2 == 2 )
            System.out.println( "That's right!" );
            System.out.println( "Sorry, \"cat\" is a string. ints can only store numbers." );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.println( "Q3) What is the result of 9+6/3?" );
        System.out.println( "\t 1) 5" );
        System.out.println( "\t 2) 11" );
        System.out.println( "\t 3) 15/3" );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.print( "> " );
        answer3 = keyboard.nextInt();
        System.out.println( " " );
        if ( answer3 == 2 )
            System.out.println( "That's correct!" );
            System.out.println( "Sorry, the answer is 11. You'd know that if you weren't retarded." );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.println( " " );
        System.out.println( "Overall, you got " + count + " out of 3 correct." );
        System.out.println( "Thanks for playing!" );


Picture of the output

Assignment 39